The summer heat isn’t leaving anytime soon, thank goodness for air conditioners! But running your air conditioner can lead to costly electric bills. Luckily, there are ways that you can help your air conditioner run less and save you money during our intense summer weather.
1. Keep your blinds closed.
Up to 30% of heat can come from your windows. Keeping blinds, shades and curtains closed can save up to 10% on cooling bills. Even better yet, invest in blackout curtains, they will block sunlight and naturally insulate the room.
2. Close doors.
Have an unused bedroom? Close the door and close the air vents. This will allow for more cool air from the AC to cool the rooms that are being used.
3. Switch your sheets.
Flannel sheets and fleece blankets are cozy for the winter, but cotton is a smarter choice for the summer. Also, mist your sheets with spray bottle of water to slightly dampen and cool your sheets. Have you tried a buckwheat pillow? Buckwheat pillows have a naturally occurring air space between them so they don’t hold body heat like traditional pillows.
4. Set your ceiling fans to rotate counter-clockwise.
Many people forget that you need to adjust your ceiling fan seasonally. Make sure they are set to run counter-clockwise in the summer at a higher speed, the fan’s airflow will create a wind-chill breeze effect that will make you feel cooler.
5. Change to incandescent lights.
Need motivation to make the switch to CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps). Incandescent bulbs waste about 90% of their energy in the heat they emit. Replacing them with CFLs make a small difference in cooling your home while lowering your electric bill.
6. Start grilling.
The last thing you want to do is turn on a 400-degree oven when it’s 100-degrees outside! So start searching Pinterest for new grilling recipes.
7. Think about the temperature in your body, not the house.
If the early settlers of Phoenix survived without air conditioning, so can we. Sip on iced drinks and apply a cold wash cloth to your neck and wrists, cooling yourself from the inside out is not a bad idea. Also try keeping a bowl of cool water by your bed and dipping your feet if you feel warm in the middle of the night.