October is filled with Halloween hauntings! The Hermosa Inn Resort in Paradise Valley, near Arcadia, has ghostly visits haunting visitors year round. The Hermosa Inn started off as a home and studio for artist Lon Megaree in 1936. He would often host parties and friends would come and stay for long periods of time. As a result, he turned “Casa Hermosa” into a guest ranch. In 1941, Megargee sold the ranch to new owners who intended use it as their private residence, but to their surprise guests continued to show up. Thus, the Hermosa Inn was born. Over time, various owners added additions and property became a popular destination.
Lon Megargee died in 1960, but rumors insist his presence it still at the Hermosa Inn. Lights shutting off and coming back on, candles falling out of their holders and doors closing have been reported. According to Kenra Riley, the Director of Communications at the Hermosa Inn, room 107 is the most haunted. She states that guests even request to not have the room due to “ghostly” occurrences.
Lon Megaree has been dead for over 50 years, but it certainly seems his spirit lives on at the place he loved most, The Hermosa Inn Resort.
Read the full haunting article in the October issue of the Arcadia News.
View (unhaunted) homes for sale in Arcadia and Paradise Valley.