After only one year at Arcadia’s Ingleside Middle School’s Principal Chad Caulde assisted the school in raising their AIMS scores. Since Ingleside received the 21st Century Learning Center grant they are continuously planning new ways to encourage its students to reach new potentials. AIMS Fame at Ingleside Middle School is a preparatory program that over 200 students participated in last year after school, with an emphasis in math and reading programs. Another period of time dedicated to personal improvement is during the IMPACT Block, this is a 30-minute segment per week to target standards based on benchmark data. Additionally, there is a new homework program called Challenge Choices that promotes rigor by giving students the opportunity to explore content beyond the classroom. Ingleside Middle School’s letter grade rose to a “B” last year, the goal for 2015 is an “A”. “We hope to expand our opportunities this year for students to receive intervention and enrichment,” Caulde said.