Do you ever wonder about the “art” along Pima and Happy Valley roads in North Scottsdale? Free speech and matters of taste have collided at the intersection for years.
On one side is landowner Henry Becker who has feuded with the city for over a dozen years by erecting on his property unusual figures and signs harshly critical of mayors, council members, a police chief and conservation activists. On the other side is retired city planning commissioner Jim Vail who is fed up with the signs on Becker’s property and the “blight that is desecrating the beauty of the desert.” Becker’s fued with the city began with an ongoing dispute regarding his failed efforts to rezone his 95 acres southeast of Pima and Happy Valley roads for commercial use, instead of the current zoning that allows only one house per 5-acre lot. Friends of the Scenic Drive members view this as a perfect example of the biggest danger scenic corridors face-the gradual destruction of the current natural environment over time.
What do you think about the “art” along Pima and Happy Valley roads?
Want to live near the funny signs on Pima? Click here to see what’s available for sale! 480-500-1738