Ladies and gentlemen we’ve got a breaking news story for you. We’re here in Scottsdale, Arizona and we’re here to tell you that the good homes sell fast. Let’s do a little display here,
So these are the homes that hit the market 9:00AM on a Thursday morning.
Hit the market? Like…
Come on the market on the internet
Ok, available to everybody?
No, see only realtor access is immediate unless your stalking the neighborhood and see them actually pounding that for sale sign into their front yard. You can get immediate access that way. But other than that only if you are a real estate agent you get immediate notification when a home hits the market.
So, then when a good house comes on the market I get red flags shouting out at me jumping up and down this is a great house.
You do, if you work with the Sibbach Team.
Oh, what happens if I am with an average agent?
Well, if you are with an average agent here’s what happens. The homes come on at 9:00AM and time starts ticking.
Oh, oh we need one in Desert Ridge
Aww, dang Sibbach Team
Oh, oh bring me one in Troon with a picket fence. Oh, good.
Dang it another good one is gone
Oh, oh, oh outdoor living, we want one with outdoor living.
Oh, man the good ones are just disappearing right away
And pretty soon by the time they hit Zillow and Trulia which is about the time the average agent actually….
Ashley, they are all still here, there still out on Zillow and Trulia
In that case I want this one
We already bought that one
How did that happen?
Well, I mean we’re seeing them the first day that they came out on the market. Notifying you immediately taking a video, extra photos, getting you maps, and being out there often even presenting offers before other agents are even out to see it.
That’s correct; we have sold three homes in the last week to our buyers first day on market.
Our customers are already living in this one
And they just bought it last week
I mean there closing on this on Friday..I mean
The point being you’re welcome to work with just an average agent, but I recommend you work with the Sibbach Team cause we’re just that much better
Thanks guys if you want to find a great home we can’t wait to hear from you